Auto Repair Shop Marketing in Canada

Would you like more "proper" work orders?


We Get You More Of The
Work-Order You Want.

Most Auto Repair Shops end up doing Work-Orders outside of their specialty because the general public thinks “Auto Mechanics do all the same thing”. While  in general, this is true, the public does not know that most mechanics actually have a specialty. Our goal is for us to market your properly so you can get more clients offering the service that you want to offer the most.

What We Do


If you’re looking to improve the online presence of your auto repair shop in Canada, leveraging Automotive SEO, and getting a professionally designed website can make a significant difference.

Our Services

Having a strong online presence has become essential for businesses of any kind, including auto repair shops. With competition being fierce, it can be challenging to stand out from the crowd. This is where Automotive SEO Your Website Makers come in.

Digital Marketing for Auto Repair Shops
What We Do

How To Get Started

Initially, we’ll arrange a 10 minute Strategy Call to review your digital marketing needs and see if we are going to be a fit.

After that, at no cost, we will do a full strategy session where we show you a personalized marketing strategy for your Auto Repair Shop in Canada,  which you can either get us to implement or do it yourself.


Latest Auto Repair Marketing Tips

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